
Author: Jonathan Windgassen


How to modify/extend a running Jupyter Kernel

There are many cases where one needs modules from JupyterLab for a project. But building your own kernel is often a detour from the original idea or is annoying when publishing your project.
By adding these 4 cells to the top of your project you can load modules for the project "on the fly".

Besides that this also adds a ways of installing python packages via pip without disrupting the uses packages or access to the system site-packages

  • First we create to temp-folders in the /tmp directory, who will contain the venv where we install the required packages and a folder that stores the PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. This is necessary because loading modules manipulates these variables but we can't access the changes from within python, so we store the changed variables in a folder.
  • Then we use a bash-shell to:
    • Load the Modules
    • Create a venv and installing ipykernel in there
    • Write PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the tempdir
  • Beacause the Dynamic Linker of Python doesn't detect changes in LD_LIBRARY_PATH we need to reboot the Interpreter afterwards to carry these changes over. To gain access to the venv we will start Python from there.
  • After that we install the required modules.

Note: The third cell won't show that it's completed and the Notebook will show Python 3 | Starting at the bottom, although the interpreter already reloaded compeltely. You can savely ignore this and continue with the third shell. As soon as this has finished the Notebook will show Python3 | Idle again.

In [ ]:
import os, sys, tempfile

tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
venv_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print(tempdir, venv_folder)
In [ ]:
%%bash -s "$tempdir" "$venv_folder"  # Pass the paths to the bash-subshell

##                     The modules go here                          ##
##     We will use Stage/Devel-2020 with Python 3.8 as a example    ##

# Update to Stage Devel-2020
module --force purge
module use $OTHERSTAGES        
module load Stages/Devel-2020

module load GCC/9.3.0
module load Python/3.8.5

# Create a venv with the python from Devel-2020 and install ipykernel there (needed for communicating with Jupyter)
# If you don't change Python above this should be a normal Python 3.6 venv
python -m venv --system-site-packages $2
source $2/bin/activate
pip install --quiet ipykernel

# Store the new variables to the temp-folder
echo $PYTHONPATH > $1/pythonpath
echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH > $1/librarypath
In [ ]:
# The arguments for the new python interpreter. We need to initialize ipykernel or JupyterLab will fail to integrate the new process
args = [f"{venv_folder}/bin/python", "-m", "ipykernel"]

# Because we call "execve" instead of "execv" we get the option to set the environment variables in the process. We use this to smuggle in the changed LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH.
# You also can pass the location of the 2 temp-folders as new environment variables if you want to delete them later for cleanup.
env = {"PYTHONPATH": open(f"{tempdir}/pythonpath").read(),
       "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": open(f"{tempdir}/librarypath").read(),
       "tempdir": tempdir,
       "venv_folder": venv_folder}
!echo Restarting Interpreter from $venv_folder/bin/python. Please execute the next cell
os.execve(f"{venv_folder}/bin/python", args, env)
In [ ]:
# Because we are in the venv now, we can safely install all packages that we need and don't come with the Python3-Kernel. No need to add --user
%pip install --quiet ...

After that you can import all you libraries (remember that the Interpreter restarted and you need to reimport os/sys/tempfile if you need them) and start with the notebook